Classroom expectations & consequences
Classroom Expectations, Assignments, Grading Policy, & Consquences
Being a proud Era Hornet …
I will be my BEST by:
- Being in class on time, prepared & seated in my assigned seat.
- Quietly working on bell work before the tardy bell rings.
I will be PREPARED by:
- Bringing supplies (paper, pencil, red pen, book, Chromebook, etc) and assignments to class. Backpack will be left in locker.
- Assignments should follow classroom guidelines:
- All papers need your full name and title of assignment.
- All work must be shown for each problem to receive credit.
- Assignments are due the following class day unless otherwise noted.
- Late assignments will be accepted with a reduction of 40 points.
- After 3 days, the assignment will not be accepted and student will receive a zero on assignment.
- An ‘M’ stands for Missing and will be posted in the online gradebook/parent portal. This automatically averages a zero for the grade. Grade will be updated if assignment is submitted.
- Student is responsible for content material.
- Six-Weeks Grades will be comprised of:
- Daily Grades 45%
- Test Grades 55%
- Semester Average will be comprised of each of the three grading periods accounting for 30% and a semester exam for 10%.
I will RESPECT myself & others by:
- Follow all school rules according to the student handbook.
- Using appropriate language & gestures.
- Keeping my hands, feet and other objects to myself.
- Raising my hand and waiting to be recognized before speaking.
Consequences should I choose not to be my BEST, PREPARED & RESPECTFUL.
- Warning
- Teacher-Student Conference
- Teacher-Parent Conference
- Detention
- Office Referral