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Era JH UIL Information and Reminders

Junior High UIL 2024 Information and Reminders

  1. UIL will be in Era on Tuesday, December 10th AND Friday, December 13th. Please see the attached schedule for which days you will need to attend.
  2. Remember to wear your “Sunday best” clothes. Please do not wear any Era Hornet clothing and come dressed to impress. Do not wear worn or ripped jeans.  Speakers must wear dress pants/dress shirt (boys) or a dress/skirt (girls). When you look good, you feel great, and you perform your best! 
  3. Tuesday contestants competing in 3:30pm events will be released from class at 2:50  and report to Mrs. Spears  in the cafeteria. This is time for you to change into your nice clothes, get a snack, and get prepared for contests. Students in later events will be dismissed at the end of school and then report to Mrs. Spears. in the cafeteria.  
  4. On Friday you are to report to Era ONE HOUR prior to your first contest (Spellers report no later than 7:30 AM). Report to the Old Gym and find Mr. Phillips(6th) Mrs. Downe(7th) or Mrs. Richardson (8th). When your final contest is over, you are free to leave, HOWEVER, your parent MUST sign you out in the Old Gym with your grade-level monitor (if after 12:30, your monitor will be Ms. Janning (6th), Mrs.Diaville (7th) and Mrs. Mulkey (8th).     Parents need to physically sign you out (not in the form of a text message). If you are leaving with another student’s parent/guardian, that guardian must have a letter stating permission to sign you out.
  5. When you check in on Friday, you will be provided with a meal ticket to take to the concession stand when you are ready for lunch. It is your responsibility to keep up with your ticket, as you are only issued one. You may bring additional money to purchase items from the concession stand as you wish. 
  6. You are responsible for your personal belongings. Cell phones are not permitted in the testing rooms, so make sure you have placed them in the phone/watch  basket or  have someone to give  your phone AND smartwatch to watch for you. 
  7. Most importantly, make sure that you come prepared on the day of your competition. Pack a bag with any materials you may need (pencils, paper, dictionary, calculator, etc.). Please make sure that you bring your copy of your schedule with you so that you know the time of your competitions.
  8. Lastly, remember that you are representing Era ISD. Make sure that you conduct yourself in a manner that brings pride to our school. Be the champions that we know you are!


We are  so proud of all of your hard work and dedication to your studies. Hard work pays off! 

                                         Go Hornets and Go Team!