School Bus Route Maps
This bus route generally covers the southeast quadrant of Era ISD.
This bus route generally covers the southwest quadrant of Era ISD
This route carries students that live generally in the north or northeast parts of Era ISD, and also includes the "Lindsay" bus stop at CR 305 and FM 3108. LINDSAY BUS STOP TIMES: MORNING - approximately 7:00 a.m.; AFTERNOON - approximMyraPM.pdfately 4;00 p.m. GAINESVILLE (FM 51 and CR 307) bus stop times approximately 7:10 am and 4:15 pm. NOTE: If you are picking up children at the Lindsay Bus Stop, please park in the designated areas, and DO NOT MOVE YOUR VEHICLE until the school bus turns off the red flashers and all students are safely in their vehicles or in the school bus. Please stay in order as you drive away. If you are not at the stop to pick up your children in the afternoons, we will always bring them back to the school campus.
This route generally covers the communities of Hood and Myra, and other students that live in the northwest quadrant of Era ISD.